Welcome to Khallandra's all new Stargate page - Starlantis.
I found that I had sorely neglected this part of my website - having only minimal information and some episode guides but that was about it so I decided to go a step further and completely revamp this page to contain more information including character bios, episode guides, images and more up-to-date links.
I hope you like the new look page and I encourage you to have a look around.
Also if you like my graphics please ask me through the contact form HERE before using. All images are the property of MGM studios and Sci-Fi.com and are only used to help aid recognition of the characters and episodes I have reviewed.
- Khallandra.
P.S. My favourite characters wold have to be Jonas and Sheppard.
31st May 2005 - finished SG1 Season 8 and Atlantis Season 1 reviews, added in SG1 Season 9 and Atlantis Season 2 episode listings
- added some more avatars/icons to multimedia (now a complete section)
- released version 2.1 of the layout which is much cleaner
Early May 2005 - added some new link back banners
Link back to http://starlantis.khallandra.net